April 2001
| From the Pastor: Last Fall, Jo-Ellen's sister, Laurel, brought over 100 flower bulbs all the way from Pennsylvania and spent an afternoon planting them in our front and side yard. We were busy with other things so we didn't see where she planted them. When she came inside, she was beaming. "Just wait until Spring," she exclaimed, "you're going to be surprised at what happens to this yard!" There are some daffodils that are starting to send up their light green, gold tipped spikes, and it won't be long before the flowers are popping out all over the yard. I love spring and the warmer days and the sounds of birds and all the new life springing forth from the thawing land and ponds. The New England seasons teach us patience through the frozen times and hope in the springtime promise. We have been walking through Lent, remembering the sorrow of our Lord and the sin of our lives. Now we are coming to Holy Week when we witness once again Jesus' triumphant entrance, His Last Supper, the trials and the sentence to death. We stand at the foot of the cross, and our tears water the barren land. Jesus is laid in a tomb and we watch them seal the entrance with a large rock. But then, Easter happens. He is Risen! And all the hope and promise of new life and joy are ours. The secret about eternal life is let loose in the world. The defeat over death is complete. And so we sing our "Alleluias" and gather to proclaim the good news of the Resurrection in the fresh new springtime that graces us once again. Come join us for the many services of this wonderful season. On Palm Sunday, the Communion Education Class will tell us the story of Jesus and the children will sing and the chimes will ring. On Maundy Thursday, we will hold the Service of Tenebrae, with the Deacons reading the lessons. Don't forget the noontime services at the united Methodist Church in North Attleboro. And Easter will find us at Capron Park at 6 am and at Oldtown for 10 am worship with handchimes and choirs and the joy of God's "Easter people" at Oldtown. Come, celebrate with us the Easter joy! Only by grace,
Welcome to the Mission Corner: Dedicated to Serving Christ The Missions Committee met on March 11th to plan our activities for the coming year. One Great Hour of Sharing was on March 25th to benefit UCC missions worldwide - thank you to all who gave so generously. We are planning to donate Easter gift baskets for children and food baskets for families through the North Attleborough Public Health Nurse. Food donations for an Easter dinner (canned vegetables, instant potatoes, canned hams) will be accepted at the Church through Sunday, April 8th. Monetary donations will also be accepted (of course) as long as they are identified for "Food Baskets" and the Missions Committee will do the shopping. Our first soup kitchen of the year will be at the Centenary Methodist Church on Saturday, April 14th. We are planning to serve a traditional Easter dinner and are looking for volunteers to assist in food preparation and serving the meal. We start early in the morning and are usually done with cleanup by 12:30. Sunday May 13th is Blanket Sunday. A five-dollar donation will purchase a sturdy and warm blanket for those who are being assisted in times of stress and disaster. We will soon be sharing information regarding the American Cancer Society's third annual Relay for Life to be held at North Attleborough High School on June 8th and 9th. You can help by walking the Relay or by purchasing a memorial luminary to burn throughout the night. Please keep those labels coming! The first batch has been dispatched to St. Jude's Ranch to help the children who reside there.
Christine Pandozzi For the Missions Committee
| From Our Conference Craigville Retreats: Women at the Well: An approach to the life Passage of menopause. April 27-28 Cost: $90. Leader: Joan Borton An Enneagram II Retreat/Workshop. April 20-22. Cost: $150. Virginia Sampson UCC Day at HPI for Junior Highs. Come to Overlook Farm on Sat. June 2 Cost: $15. See Bulletin Board for Registration "Doing Church Business theWorshipful-Work Way" - a workshop with Dr. Charles M. Olsen. Sat. April 21 At United Cong. Church in Worcester 9-4. Cost; $20. Brochures for Summer Camping program have arrived. There are camps for campers from 4th grade up. See the Bulletin Board in Maxcy Hall for more information.
| New Members Class A New Members Class will be held after Worship on April 1st. New Members will be received at the 10 am worship on April 29. Please speak to pastor Katrina or a deacon if you are interested in becoming a full member of the church.
| Baptisms Baptisms are scheduled for May 20 and June 3. Please speak to Pastor Katrina if you would like to be included or have your child baptized on either of those dates.
| DID YOU KNOW ??? The three pictures at the rear of the church have been jokingly but lovingly called the "three wise men." Maybe they really were wise men as they are three of the ministers who served this church way back when. Going from left to right as you look at them we think that they are Rev. John Wilder, Rev. S. B. Morley, and Rev. H. P. De Forest. Rev. Wilder was a Dartmouth graduate whose pastorate began here in January 1790. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. Levi Hart, of Preston, Conn., with whom Rev. Wilder had studied theology. The subject of the ordination sermon was "The War between Michael and the Dragon." His pastorate lasted to November 1822, a period of more than thirty-two years. He died in 1836 and was buried at South Attleboro. Rev. Morley was pastor from 1851 to 1857. He was a man of more than average ability, and his children also distinguished themselves. One son was a college professor, one was a teacher, another was the president of a college, and the only daughter was a missionary to China. Rev. De Forest was a native of Brockton and a graduate of Yale. He came in 1866 and resigned early in 1869 to accept a call to a church in Chicago. The people were loath to part with him, for though he was a young man and this was his first pastorate, he was so thoroughly equipped for the ministry and had gained such a hold upon the community that his departure was considered a misfortune for the church. He knew he was qualified to fill a larger place, and felt it his duty to respond favorably to the call given him by the Chicago church. Rev. De Forest, being asked to suggest some minister to be his successor, named Rev. John Whitehill, who had completed a seven-year pastorate at South Wilbraham. The tablet on the front wall of the sanctuary attests to the fact that his pastorate here lasted for over fifty years. He was one of Oldtown's most beloved ministers.
So now we know a little bit about our "three wise men". Much of this information came from the booklet published by The Mutual Helpers in 1912 and prepared by Rev. Whitehill and Miss Mary A. Mathias. These three pictures had disappeared for some years, but were returned to us and it is the hope that we will be able to have them professionally conserved so that no further damage takes place.
| PICTURES ON EASTER On Easter Sunday, part of Maxcy Hall will be turned into a photo studio so that we can take pictures of each family for a new home-made directory and church Photo Wall. Come to fellowship hour and take a few moments to stop and have your family pose for a picture. The last directory was done in 1993- we need an update!
| šË› In our prayers: Jeannie Sheraton, Eric Beith, Jordan DelRicci, David Thibeault, Ervin Esty, Ann & Don Botsford, Bill Peterson, Dean Ricker, Beth Ford, Bill Wright, Miranda Berkley, Chessie, The Rev. Steve Bachelder, Alice & Gus, Doug Fontaine, Barbara Pasquantonio, Frank, Marion Sanders, Lynne Pittard, Gail Johnson, Mark Sullivan, Lois Blaise, Mike Lamarr, Gina Woodrum, The family of Deb Lieberman, John Gray, Andrea, Donna Humphrey, Roger Pelletier, Mark & Ruth, Carol Snow, Maggie, Shawn, Ann Boyd, Fran, Mimi, Harold Liston, Kelsey, Mary Kapochia, Alvin Taylor And our shut-ins: Elsie Morris, Marion Horman, Esther Angus (Please help us keep this list up-to-date. Let us know when names can be removed) {
| Odds and Ends So far in March, four big grocery bags of non-perishable food have been delivered to North Attleborough's town nurse for distribution to those in need. Also, some monetary gifts have come in to help with holiday baskets (food and other items) and Food 'n Friends meals. Please designate where you want your gift to help. THANKS! As a participant in both the February 3rd, in Duxbury and the March 3rd, in Paxton, "Suitcase Seminars," I am especially appreciative of these opportunities offered by our conference. I suggest: "Try 'em- you'll like 'em!!!" At the Paxton seminars, I attended the group on "Generation Xers," led by Rev. Will Sencabaugh. Most participants in this group acknowledged we (the church) need to understand, welcome and encourage those in this age group, generally thought of as 18-35, so our active church membership will grow and truly be open and affirming. As a start, I ask all those who parent, know and care about these young people (who may be away from North Attleborough pursuing education and careers) to let us know their addresses/email so they can receive the monthly newsletter. I have been talking with some "young folk" and want to know particular interests so we may plan some interesting programs for ALL the church. Think about it and let me know. The American Cancer Society "Relay for Life" will be at the North Attleborough High School track, June 8-9 (beginning at 6 p.m., Friday and continuing until 12 noon, Saturday). Lynne will be forming a team of willing walkers (anything from one turn around the track, to an hour of walking or more), all of whom will seek pledges of support. There will be luminaries to light the way, each one to honor someone who has had cancer ($5 minimum donation for each luminary). Please sign up now to join us!
Lynne Sias
| The Deacon’s Corner There are so many ways for us to make our church life come alive at this time of year and we hope you are able to take advantage of the special services and programs which can bring so much meaning to our daily lives. There is even a good old "Oldtown Turkey Supper" set for the 7th of April with good fellowship, good spirit and good food. Pastor Katrina has put together a wonderful set of Lenten series tapes and study guides. Don't miss out on this. you may do as much as you wish from just listening to the tapes to using the study guide, keeping a journal and participating in the adult discussion to be held at 7PM on April 5th. Special services will include the Maundy-Thursday Tenebrae service on April 12th. Many of our members have found this service to be one of the most meaningful of the season. We hope you can make this a part of your Lenten tradition. Pastor Katrina and several deacons will be attending a deacons' retreat in Lakeville on March 24th. There will be a full day of worship and programs which will address the many functions and duties of the board of deacons and surely will assist our deacons in being better prepared in carrying out our duties. We will let you know how that went. While the piles of snow still haven't disappeared completely we are already looking ahead to the summer and are happy to report that we will again be having joint services with 2nd Congregational Church in Attleboro. Right now the plan is to have services at Oldtown in July and at 2nd Church in August. All services will begin at 9:30AM. Rev. Putnam and Pastor Katrina will be alternating in conducting the services. Our wish is to welcome you and be with you during this special season. Our time together brings comfort and strength. Go in Peace, Dave Sias, Chair Board of Deacons
| Christian Education Come join the fun on April 22nd at Overlook Farm in Rutland, MA for an Oldtown Family Fun Day. We will be leaving after church at 11:30am. Please bring a bag lunch. Overlook Farm is the "local" farm run by the Heifer Project. Once we arrive at the farm we will be taking a tour, watching a short movie about all that the Heifer Project does and enjoying the fun of a hayride. It is sure to be enjoyable for all ages. Let’s all join together and see our "Fill the Ark" money at work. Sign-ups are posted on the CE bulletin board for anyone interested in making refreshments for the children’s fellowship table or monitoring the children during craft time (crafts will be provided). This month we hope to be starting a junior high youth group. Anyone wishing to join in on the fun or interested in helping out please talk to Kelly. On April 22nd we will be celebrating Youth Sunday. The youth of our church will be leading worship. Please come support and encourage our youth. Our Communion Class has been learning all about Jesus and the Last Supper. On April 7th they will be meeting at the Achin’s house to baked bread together for Palm Sunday’s Communion. On Palm Sunday they will be sharing Communion with us and teaching us about all they learned. Don’t forget about the Easter Egg hunt on Sat, April 14th at 1pm. It’s sure to be lots of fun. We will be making Easter bags, hunting for Easter Eggs and decorating our own delicious Easter Cookies. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. "Teaching kids to count is good but teaching kids what counts is better." Thanks for your continued love and support! Kelly
| April Birthdays & Anniversaries April 5: Anthony Meadows April 9: Ann Kingman April 10: Eric Kingman April 11:Henry Chretien April 15:Scott Brown April 20: Lori Burgess April 21: Katrina Clinton April 22: Matthew and Nicholas Edwards Steve Harrop April 23: Skip Harrop April 24: Noah Burgess April 26: Stephanie Harrop
| Thank You! Thank you to all those people, who made sandwiches, baked goodies, helped to set up, serve or clean up afterwards for the collations following the memorial services celebrating the lives of Linda Smith and Dorothy Lightfoot. Their families are most appreciative and it just goes to show that Oldtown has a big heart filled with love and caring for their fellow members. Carolyn
| Services on Tape We record our Sunday Services, so those who could not attend can share in our worship. Call the church office at 695-1713 if you'd like to borrow a tape
| Sharing Some Thoughts I was sitting next to Carolyn Chretien a couple of weeks ago when someone asked her a question (this time) about the flowers. It occurred to me how often I over hear someone ask her opinion about almost anything to do with Oldtown Church. Yes, she is our Church Clerk and Church Historian—which in itself are big, time-consuming jobs—from keeping the minutes of our church meetings, taking care of church-related correspondences, to her tenacious quest to master her computer in keeping the membership list current and up-dating the newsletter mailing list. She also takes the minutes of the monthly Church Committee Meetings—often resulting in 2 to 3 pages of notes each month. She and her husband, Henry, have a busy family life outside of church and yet she not only finds time to go to Suitcase Seminars and help out at church suppers, but she also takes the time to share our special church history with two tours a week of school children for several months a year. She is a member of the flower committee and has a large part in the flowers and decorations that adorn our church each week and on special occasions during the year. She has a lovely soprano voice that she shares in the choir (and is part of the Oldtown Chimers). I know this requires much more than simply being on time for church on Sunday morning. She has been a fill-in organist on our special tracker organ—which some professional organists cannot do—and has been a last-minute fill-in at the piano on a snowy Sunday morning. She is the person who is always called when a funeral coalition needs to be organized. She is an integral part of so many special celebrations we have had in our church and in Maxcy Hall. Carolyn always contributed items for our special fundraisers…especially our church fairs. The cole slaw and potato salad recipes have come to her from legendary cooks of our church’s past. "Elsie’s Famous Salad Dressing" is her Mom’s secret recipe. Many do not know that the final arrangement of the fair items displayed in Maxcy Hall reflect Carolyn’s special touch—that special knack she has for giving an ordinary-looking display the class and pizzazz that Oldtown Fairs are traditionally known for. I can hardly think of anyone who is part of our church family who does not contribute in some way—so, so many contribute hundreds of hours a year to what is both seen and unseen—with a true love of Oldtown Church and a sense of belonging to a wonderful church family. Yet, if you have been here for awhile, then you have also overheard (or probably said) "Ask Carolyn, she will know the answer to that!" She always has a pleasant smile and a pleasant word to share. She does it all with a willing spirit (even when sometimes the spirit is willing, but the body is tired). I have shared these thoughts on my own, Carolyn. However, I am going to be presumptuous enough to speak not only for myself but for our Oldtown Church family, when I say a heartfelt "thank you" and express appreciation for all you do to make our church the spirited, friendly place that it is. Take Care and God Bless,
| Upcoming Church Events at Oldtown! April 1: Lent 5: 10 am worship- Heifer project Arks dedicated; CES, LES New member class after worship April 2: Women's Spirituality Group, 7 pm, 43 Grant St. Attleboro April 3: Handchime rehearsal, 7 pm April 5: Adult Education Series Wrap-up, 7 pm April 7: Breadmaking at Achin Home for Communion Education Class, 10 am Turkey Supper, 6 pm April 8: Palm Sunday, Communion, Children singing April 9-12: Attleboro Area Council of Churches Noontime services at N.A.Methodist Church Methodist Church; Monday- Oldtown providing lunch. April 10: Chime rehearsal, 7 pm April 11: Board of Trustees, 7 pm April 12: Maundy Thursday; Service of Tenebrae, 7 pm April 13: Good Friday Service at Methodist Church Noon to 3 pm April 14: Easter Egg Hunt, 1 pm April 15: Easter Sunday; Capron Park Sunrise Service, 6 am; Oldtown, 10 am April 18: Board of Deacons, 7 pm April 20: Thank You Buffet for those involved in Music Ministry (chimes, voice, organ) and their "spice" at 43 Grant St., Attleboro, 6pm April 22: Youth Sunday, James Fontaine, preaching; Church Family Field Trip to Overlook Farm 11:30-4:30 April 23: Christian Education Meeting, 7 pm April 25: Church Committee, 7 pm April 29: New Member Sunday
| Family Field Trip To Overlook Farm Sunday, April 22, 2001 We leave the church parking lot at 11:30 am Return by 5:30 pm Overlook Farm is the home Of a Heifer Project International farm. We will have a tour of the property and see the animals. This is a great opportunity for the children To see where there special ark money is going.
| Time to order Easter Plants! Please give this form, with check or money attached to or Perilene Twyman, Dottie Greene or Carolyn Chretien, by April 9th. (Please Circle One)
Given by:____________________________ Number of Lilies ($7.50): ______ Number of Tulips ($4.75): ______ Number of Daffodils ($4.75): ______ Number of Hyacinths ($4.75): ______
Amount enclosed:$ ______
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